Building the evidence base for cross-border wIL models: The case of Australia and India
Report by Dr Brigid Freeman, Academic Fellow with the Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne in Australia, and Visiting Professor, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), India & Dr Karen Barker, Executive Manager and Head of Government Projects
This report sets out the evidence base for the development of cross-border work integrated learning (WIL) models to increase Australia-India WIL engagement. It elaborates key findings and analysis summarised in the accompanying report, Opportunities to Increase Australia-India WIL Engagement: Key Findings and Analysis.
The report identifies and analyses Australian and Indian higher education and vocational education and training (VET) WIL opportunities, including governing policy and legislative frameworks, participation levels, good practices and barriers. Informed by these findings, the report developed four models to encourage domestic and international students enrolled with Australia’s VET and higher education institutions to engage with Indian host organisations for broadly defined WIL activities.
This research was commissioned and funded by the Australian Government Department of Education.