Prof Mohan Yellishetty

Prof Mohan Yellishetty

Prof Mohan Yellishetty

Academic Fellow

Mohan Yellishetty is an Professor at Monash University’s Department of Civil Engineering, with a distinguished career spanning three decades across esteemed institutions such as Monash University, CSIRO, Yale University, and IIT Bombay. Renowned as a leading authority in Sustainable Mineral Resources and a Global Thought Leader, Prof Yellishetty’s research interests encompass diverse areas including Critical Minerals, Mine Rehabilitation and Closure, and Mine Tailings.

Prof Yellishetty co-founded the Critical Minerals Consortium at Monash University; Founded the Australia-India Critical Minerals Research Hub; and Convenor at Critical Minerals National Industry Group, Australia-India Chamber of Commerce.

Prof Yellishetty’s research has garnered significant public, media and policy attention. Especially, his work within the critical minerals and mine rehabilitation domains has left a profound impact on both industry practices and national policy. Notably, his contributions have been instrumental in shaping the Senate report for the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, and the Critical Minerals Strategy 2023–2030.

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