Dr Brigid Freeman

Dr Brigid Freeman

Dr Brigid Freeman

Academic Fellow

Dr Brigid Freeman is Academic Fellow with the Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne in Australia. Her research is comparative and primarily focuses on higher education policy, systems, governance, and internationalisation. Brigid is currently researching higher education in emergencies domains related to COVID-19 response, recovery, preparedness and prevention.

Her policy research focuses on bilateral higher education and VET relationships (at system and institutional level), university policy governance and delegations of authority. Brigid edited the Age of STEM: Educational Policy and Practice in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Across the World with Professors Simon Marginson and Russell Tytler, and managed the Australian-Asian Research Collaborations in the Humanities Project with the Australian Academy of the Humanities.

She has undertaken policy consultancy work for UNESCO, and been a visiting scholar with Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany and the University of California, Berkeley. Brigid has published widely and presented her research in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Germany, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia and India. Brigid has a University of Melbourne PhD and Master of Education Policy (International).

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